
Welcome Back to the Ginfluencers Blog

It has been a full 12 month since I last wrote on this blog. Why? I basically didn’t like its composition and overall appearance. I decided to take it off the web and to give it a quick facelift. Well, the quick facelift didn’t quite happen. And then this Instagram thing got a bit out of hand. And I spent more time on photography than I had ever spent on writing… I guess you are getting it.

Even happier am I now to finally re-launch – new look (may continue to change gradually from here onwards), new content, new topics. Pretty much all new, except one detail: it is still going to be a blog all about gin.*

What do I want to share on my blog?

Gin was, is and will surely be my passion for a long time coming. And with the gin, all the stories, people and miscellaneous topics around it. By reactivating this platform I want to share all this with you whenever I feel like doing so. In particular, I think I will be focusing on five areas:

1. New gins and gin reviews

Gin Reviews

I will continue to present new gins as they present themselves to me. Reviews have been the core of this website’s version 1.0 a year ago. They will keep coming, but from now on, they are not going to be alone here…

2. Background stories

Personally, I feel like I was quite ignorant about the stories of a gin when trying it for too long. I just cared about how the spirits tasted, particularly in a G&T. Although I still consider this crucial when judging a product, I was happy to learn a lot more about some of the products and people behind them in the recent past.

Rutte Distillery

3. Cocktails

A “good” gin (and this is an extremely relative term, of course) is one thing. A great cocktail – maybe even based on a good gin – is something else. I am no bartender and have zero industry background. Nevertheless, I currently find myself in a process of diving deeper into the world of cocktails and mixology. And it’s a pretty fun ride, which I don’t want you to miss.

4. Bars

At the beginning of this post I said I am spending more time shooting than actually tasting drinks. Add this to the facts that my apartment is quite tiny (about 50 m²) and natural light scarce and you end up with the perfect excuse to visit as many bars as possible to report about them on this space. Hamburg has plenty of them to start off with…

Blog: Bar Visits

5. Events

Local pop-ups, brand related info sessions, product presentations or global cocktail and mixology fairs – you name it. I caught myself knowing these schedules better than my gym classes lately so I think they deserve some attention here as well. The (gin) events, not my gym classes…

Gin Events and more

I will probably come across other topics as well, such as travels or general stuff concerning blogging, social media and “influencing”.  But the above mentioned 5 categories shall be the core elements.

What do I want from you?

Nope, none of your money. A bit of your time would be cool though. Could I seriously ask for anything at all?! I’m not sure. But if I was to write an early list for Santa, it would go somewhat like this:

Dear Santa,
I wish my readers to:
1. Continue reading this blog (or start doing so)
2. Make me aware of all my grammatical and spelling mistakes (bear in mind English is still not my mother tongue!)
3. Keep inspiring me and giving me feedback

Seriously though, this blog is not a self-fulfilling prophecy. I don’t write this because I feel an urgent need of expressing myself. To the contrary, I want to share my thoughts and impressions with you as I like to interact and discuss about that stuff. I believe the gin (and drinks) world is an extremely large and diverse community. Unilateral flows of information become boring so let’s interact! Opinions may differ so let’s start discussing. It may be an egoistic thought as I suppose I expect to learn a lot from it. So bring on your ideas and we’ll dive into it!

As for now, I’d like to thank you for actually making it to the end of this first post after a year-long abstinence. Yes, it looks very plain for now and it is still rather empty. But I guarantee both of this is going to change gradually.

Again, welcome back to – buckle up and enjoy the ride!

*) even though I may try to touch one or two other spirits on the way, the core will remain gin. Pinky promise!

One more thing!

Another reason for me to stop this blog last year was the fact that it was totally LOADED with unnecessary plug-ins and other useless stuff that made it just one big mess. It is thanks to my gin-buddy Jan (ginginginde) that it’s now all cleaned up and ready to be started over. Jan has a really nice, easy to read and 100% honest blog himself: – go give it a read, I can assure you it’s worth it!

Boatyard Winter Solstice Gin
BCB Day 3 – Challenging our Feet